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The concept of Cyber Security Protection refers to measures and strategies developed to protect digital systems, networks and data from cyber threats such as hacker attacks, malware, phishing attacks and data theft. Here are some important aspects of the concept of Cyber Security Protection:

1. Access Control: rules and procedures to monitor and manage access permissions to digital systems and data.

2. Encryption: procedures for converting information into an unreadable form to ensure that only authorised persons have access to it.

3. Firewalls: Hardware or software systems that protect the network from unwanted access.

4. Malware protection: Technologies and procedures to detect and remove malware such as viruses, spyware and ransomware.

5. Phishing protection: Measures to prevent phishing attacks that trick users into sharing confidential information.

6. Threat monitoring and response: Monitoring systems and networks to detect threats and responding to those threats to combat them.

7. Awareness and training: Raising user awareness of cyber threats and training users to prevent security breaches.

These and other measures are important to ensure Cyber Security Protection and that digital systems, networks and data are protected from threats.

We would be happy to advise you on what you can do in detail.

I need to protec all Endpoints, like Laptop, Servers, Firewall, WLAN Router and Mobile Devices and monitor them by a SOC plattform. I need a plan of my network and branches with all devices to be aware and then I start to make a risk analyses to get out, what is to be proteced and how.

No, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are welcome targets for cyber threats. This is because attack requirements are often less complex and employees are more vulnerable to social engineering attacks.

Here are some common threats SMEs face:

1.Phishing attacks: Phishing attacks use fake emails to trick users into revealing confidential information.

2. Ransomware attacks: Ransomware attacks encrypt data and demand a ransom to restore access.

3. Malware attacks: Malware attacks install malware on computer systems that can steal data or cripple systems.

4. Social engineering attacks: Social engineering attacks use human persuasion to get users to share confidential information.

5. Network attacks: Network attacks use vulnerabilities in networks to gain access to confidential information.

It is important that SMEs protect their systems and data against these and other cyber threats by implementing measures such as firewalls, antivirus software, regular backups and training for their employees. This can help prevent data loss and downtime and minimise the risk of a successful attack.

All devices with internet access, such as laptops, servers, firewalls, WLAN routers and mobile devices.

Furthermore, the protection goes beyond the hardware to the people who can best react to cyber threats with our awareness trainings.

A Security Operations Centre (SOC) is a department or unit in a company that focuses on monitoring and managing information security. The goal of a SOC is to detect, analyse and combat threats to the IT infrastructure to prevent data loss, theft of sensitive information and other security threats.

A SOC uses technologies such as monitoring software, network and system analysis, threat detection and assessment to ensure that the organisation is protected against threats and attacks. The staff or service provider of a SOC works closely with the IT team and the information security team to ensure that security policies and procedures are effectively implemented.

The zero trust approach is a concept for information security where every user and device on the network is considered insecure until their identity and integrity have been confirmed. It is about having no automatic trust in users, devices or networks and instead verifying every interaction and transmission of data in real time. This includes monitoring and protecting internal networks and resources, not just external threats. The zero trust approach helps prevent data loss, data theft and other threats to information security.

Das β€œblaue Team” und das β€œrote Team” sind Begriffe aus dem Bereich der Cybersicherheit, die sich auf unterschiedliche Rollen beziehen.

Das β€œblaue Team” bezeichnet das Verteidigungsteam, das die Netzwerke und Systeme eines Unternehmens schΓΌtzt. Es ist verantwortlich fΓΌr die Überwachung und ÜberprΓΌfung der Sicherheitssysteme und -prozesse, um Bedrohungen zu erkennen und zu bekΓ€mpfen.

Das β€œrote Team” bezeichnet das Angriffsteam, das simulierte Angriffe auf die Netzwerke und Systeme eines Unternehmens durchfΓΌhrt. Es ist verantwortlich fΓΌr die Simulation von Bedrohungen, um das blaue Team zu testen und seine FΓ€higkeiten im Umgang mit Bedrohungen zu verbessern.

Durch den Einsatz von blauen und roten Teams kann ein Unternehmen seine Cybersicherheit verbessern, indem es die Schwachstellen in seinen Systemen identifiziert und behebt. Außerdem kann es das Wissen und die FÀhigkeiten seiner IT-Sicherheitsteams verbessern, um zukünftigen Angriffen besser gewachsen zu sein.

The brand n’ originally emerged as an idea from the cyber security division of n’ AG.

A cloud solution hosted entirely in one’s own data centre requires a high and complex security architecture simply because of the natural zero-trust approach (multi-tenancy) and the high requirement to secure customer data. This is usually more complex, stronger and more expensive than in an SME.

Therefore, in addition to the SME security requirement, all other security requirements had to be implemented correctly.

In the case of a backup solution, the backup solution is only considered to be correctly implemented if the recovery also functions cleanly and as expected.

The same principle applies here for cyber security. Only if the defensive security implementations such as endpoints, firewalls, but also BCM processes, among others, pass a simulated attack, or rather a stress test, is the defensive security considered to be correctly implemented.

In order to guarantee the security standards, these must of course also be constantly tested and “stressed” by a Red Team. We do this constantly for our cloud implementation and from this experience we have developed a business model that we can offer as a service to our cloud customers as well as customers with onpremise or AWS or Microsoft cloud implementations.

Yes, we work with WatchGuard’s platform and other SIEM tools and have a team that monitors all activities every day. This allows us to offer our clients a high standard of security.

WatchGuard, in combination with our SIEM tools, offers the best security concept for small and medium-sized enterprises and this at fair prices.

Yes, we have been a cloud computing pioneer since 2010 and offer various cloud services related to cyber security. Besides the CyberSecurity division, we offer secure mail solution, HomeOffice and encryption services. You can find more information on our website:

A backup and disaster recovery strategy is an important part of a comprehensive cybersecurity plan, especially after a hacker attack. Here are some important points for such a strategy:

1. Regular backups: make sure you regularly back up your data so that you have an up-to-date copy of your data after an attack.

2. Offsite backups: Store backups in a secure location, ideally in our Swiss Made Backup Cloud outside your network, to ensure that you can access your data even if your network is attacked.

3. Test your backups: Check regularly that your backups are working and that you can access them.

4. Plan for the worst case scenario: Make sure you have a plan to recover your data and systems even if the worst happens.

5. Monitor your networks: Monitor your networks and systems regularly to detect and address threats early.

6. Rehearse your disaster recovery plans: Rehearse your disaster recovery plans regularly to ensure your team is ready to act quickly and effectively in the event of an attack.

We will be happy to advise you so that you are optimally prepared for a hacker attack and can quickly recover your data and systems should a breach occur.

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