Protection, Detection & Response
Endpoint protection in all situations.
Security begins with the client...
n’ Endpoint Security offers the possibility to manage antivirus, EDR and DNS filtering solutions of the Next Generation Endpoint Security easily and cleanly. This is necessary to stop advanced cyber attacks. Additional modules for SIEM and other SOC services are patching, extended transparency and data control.

WatchGuard EPDR

WatchGuard EDR

WatchGuard EPP
n' & WatchGuard Cloud
A management platform, for our SOC service and for you as the end customer, that configures and monitors the endpoint security products and reports suspicious behaviour immediately.
Protect your digital assets

Endpoint Protection Detection & Response
WatchGuard EPDR combines our broad range of EPP technologies with our EDR capabilities for computers, laptops and servers to detect threats not captured by traditional solutions.
Endpoint Detection and Response
WatchGuard EDR complements other EPP solutions with a complete suite of EDR capabilities to automate detection, containment and response to any advanced threat.

Endpoint Protection
WatchGuard EPP is an effective cloudnative security solution that centralises next-generation antivirus protection for all your Windows, macOS and Linux desktops, laptops and servers.